The Difference That Makes A Difference On Zoom
A New Book By Josh Davis, PhD

Have you been looking for simple ways to apply NLP to your work and daily life outside of an NLP class? Have you been wanting to know how science supports NLP? Have you been wanting a single resource to offer people who want to know what NLP is and start making use of it? The NLP Center of NY’s very own Josh Davis, PhD, has co-authored a new book that addresses these questions, called The Difference That Makes the Difference. Join us and experience a taste of what the book has to offer, as Josh guides you to apply lessons from it to your own needs, and answers your questions.
The publisher, St. Martin’s Essentials (Macmillan) sees this book as having the potential to bring NLP to a new generation. We’ve had early indicators of success, with multiple translation deals, podcast recordings, and pre-orders. NLP pioneer, Robert Dilts, says “[they’ve done] an outstanding job of presenting the fundamentals of NLP in a way that is clear, concise and easy to both understand and apply.” John Kilcullen, creator of the international bestselling For DummiesTM series – which is devoted to making the complex simple – says “Davis and Prosmushkin are masters at unlocking the power of NLP […] demystifying NLP for a new generation.”
Josh Davis, PhD is the author of the international best-seller, Two Awesome Hours. He is Chief Scientist and Senior Faculty at the Mentora Institute. He has been studying NLP since 2000, and a trainer with the NLP Center of NY for the last decade. He is a sought after public speaker, and has been teaching online regularly since 2011. He received his doctorate from Columbia University, then joined the psychology department at Barnard College of Columbia University, prior to working in leadership development. His writing has appeared in venues ranging from Harvard Business Review and Fast Company to Psychology Today and highly-regarded academic journals. He or his work has been mentioned in the Times of London, the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, and other major media sources.
Cost: Free
Date: Monday Evening, April 28, 2025
You can also pre-order the book now! Release date July 8, 2025.