NLP Training
The NLP Center of New York offers the following NLP Training programs for personal and professional development.

NLP A Changing Perspective
NLP A Changing Perspective offers readers an in-depth look at how Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), creates powerful long lasting changes in both our interpersonal communication and our relationship within ourselves.
Since 1981, the authors, Rachel Hott, PhD and Steven Leeds, L.M.H.C., co-directors of The NLP Center of New York, have been living and breathing NLP, incorporating it into their NLP training, psychotherapy/coaching practices, their marriage and parenting. With this book they bring a wealth of experience and a personal humorous touch to an exacting science.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How is your NLP center unique? What do you emphasize in your training?
A: Not all NLP Training programs are the same. What makes our center unique is who we are, what we teach and how we teach.
The NLP Center has been operating since 1986. Steven Leeds, LMHC, with his background in education and transpersonal psychology and Dr. Rachel Hott, PhD with her background in clinical psychology, Dance Movement Therapy and business consulting bring together a unique blend of knowledge, skills and expertise. They have built this center on a deep respect for each human being and his or her potential for transforming their inner and outer world. Each of our trainers have completed an extensive and rigorous NLP trainer’s training that required a minimum of 4 years (over 1,000 hours) of study after completing their NLP Master Practitioner Training.
We see NLP as something one does “with” people and not “to” them. Our trainers have a great respect for the power inherent in the uses and misuses of the NLP technology and model this respect both on and off “the playing field.” For us, NLP is a model for “having power over your own life” and “empowering others,” not to control or manipulate others. The NLP Center of New York staff works as a team, emphasizing creating healthy patterns when relating to others, to ourselves and to the world around us
Steven and Rachel who are partners in life and in business model this way of being in their relationship with their students, with each other, within their family and with themselves. NLP is not just something our staff does for a living; it is an integral part of our life. While our training staff is committed to developing the highest level of competency among the practitioners, we are not interested in turning out technicians. The goal is to have NLP Center of New York graduates know how to relate with others genuinely, from their heart as well as their head, from the left brain as well as the right and to be as concerned about the well-being of others as they are with themselves. The NLP Center of New York’s goal is to train people to ethically use the NLP skills to enrich lives and to make this world a better place to live.
Q: What is NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)?
A: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a powerful technology for creating healthy interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships. Developed in 1975, NLP is concerned primarily with non-judgmentally identifying the ways in which we have been "programmed" to think, act and feel while learning how to free ourselves from these unwanted limiting habits and beliefs. In this way, we get to create richly rewarding choices. As a participant going through an NLP Training you will be learning how to effectively and efficiently direct thoughts, feelings, language and behaviors to achieve your personal and professional outcomes.
NLP began with the modeling of experts in the field of interpersonal and intrapersonal communications and change, including Virginia Satir (a family therapist), Fritz Perls (developer of Gestalt Therapy), and Milton Erickson (developer of Ericksonian Hypnosis). Ericksonian Hypnosis helps people develop deep trance states, which can be used for relaxation and stress reduction, problem solving, and accessing inner resources needed to meet life's ongoing challenges. The hypnotic language patterns of Milton Erickson (aka The Milton Model) can be used in everyday communication as well as in formal trance inductions.
While NLP includes many of Erickson's hypnotic language patterns and underlying presuppositions, it is a distinct field of study. The two fields are complimentary, working with both the conscious and unconscious minds. Our entry level courses, The NLP Coach Practitioner Training and the Ericksonian Hypnosis Practitioner Training are both designed for individuals interested in using these skills as part of their personal development as well as for working with others in a professional coaching or mental health setting.
Q: What is the difference between NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis?
A: Ericksonian Hypnosis, based on the work of Dr. Milton Erickson, is about learning to tap into the infinite possibilities of our creative unconscious and use it to find solutions to problems that the conscious mind cannot do alone. It exists independently of NLP and involves learning trance inductions, utilization of deep trance phenomena (including age regression, age progression, sensory and time distortion, and positive and negative hallucinations), working with resource symbols, self-hypnosis, strengthening our connection to the unconscious mind, centering, getting into in a flow state and more.
NLP is a model of change and effective interpersonal communication. In an NLP training we “unpackage” the unconscious mind, becoming aware of our unconscious patterns, learning to reframe, change unwanted habits, and transform negative emotions as well as being more sensitive and empathetic to others, which are skills required for effective communication and coaching.
The NLP training includes certain aspects of Ericksonian Hypnosis, including the Milton Model Hypnotic Language Patterns. When a student attends the NLP training, they are also learning skills for interpersonal communication, building rapport, influence, listening and better understanding others. In an Ericksonian Hypnosis class we dive right into learning how to experience trance and communicate with the unconscious. The NLP training and the Hypnosis training are complementary. The practitioner who knows both NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis will have a set of powerful tools for working on ones own personal development and for helping others.
Q: Which training should I take first? The NLP Coach Practitioner Training or the Ericksonian Hypnosis Practitioner Training?
A: Think about your goals and make a decision based upon your reason for attending. Some students want to become coaches and learn how to interview someone, develop outcomes, learn valuable communication skills and also have a variety of techniques. If that is your goal then it would be best to take the NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner training first.
If your goal is to become a hypnotist and you are already skilled at rapport and have knowledge of how to help others identify their outcomes, then you may be ready to start with learning techniques that utilize hypnotic concepts.
Many of our students study both NLP and hypnosis and have found that the sequence itself did not matter.
Q: What are the prerequisites? Do I have to be a licensed mental health professional to attend?
A: Since 1986, we have opened our training to all motivated adults who want to learn about themselves and/or to help others. Some of our participants only attend for personal development and although everyone is fully required to work as both coach and client, or hypnotist and client, not everyone has to become a coach. Participants have included mental health professionals, business professionals, physicians, nurses, bodyworkers, IT specialists, salespeople, artists and many more.
If you want to speak with a former student please contact us at info@nlptraining.com
Q: How does an online training work?
A: All of our classes are LIVE/ONLINE with Zoom. There are no prerecorded segments. There is always a trainer present. When it is time to work with a partner, we create breakout rooms so that you can practice as the trainer goes from room to room observing, offering assistance and feedback. We also do live demonstrations with participants in the group. It is a highly interactive training.
Q: Is there homework?
A: All of our students are adults (ages range from 18 and up), and we expect that as an adult you will be motivated to practice and want to read to reinforce your learnings. The homework is more about practicing the skills that you have learned in the class, with your family, friends and colleagues. We do expect full participation in the training room.
Q: What happens if I miss a training day?
A: Ideally, we expect you to have 100% attendance. However, if you miss a class, we require that you read the chapter in our book, NLP A Changing Perspective (NLP training only), watch the recording of the missed class, and work together with a training assistant or fellow student to make up the missed material. In addition, at no charge, we require that you attend another training to make up that specific material. Dr. Rachel Hott, rachelhott@nlptraining.com, is in charge of class make-ups.
Q: Can I repeat a class?
A: Once you have completed a full training, if you want to repeat a class the fee is half price.
Q: What can I do with an NLP Coach Practitioner Training or Hypnosis Practitioner Training?
A: If you want to start a coaching practice, you can use your certificate to show that you have attended an NLP Practitioner/Coach Certification, as well as an NLP Master Practitioner/Coach Certification. The practice of being a coach is an independent venture. It is helpful if you have a niche, and also an understanding of a business background, regarding how to set up a business. We do offer a short course with Vesela Pehilonova about building a coaching practice. As of 2020 there is no license to become a coach.
Regarding your hypnosis certification if you are a licensed mental health therapist you may use the title hypnotherapist. If you are a non-licensed professional then you would use the title, hypnotist. We recommend you always check within your state or country to see if there are any other special requirements. If you are a licensed mental health professional, you can apply to the NBCCH https://www.natboard.com for membership after completing our full training. If you are non-licensed professional, you may join the National Guild of Hypnotists https://www.ngh.net for membership after completing our full training.
Q: Why is there an NLP Master Practitioner Training?
A: In the early days of NLP the curriculum was formed and there was a decision to break up the NLP training into two separate parts. We do suggest you think of the NLP Practitioner/Coach Certification and the NLP Master Practitioner/Coach Certification training as part of a complete NLP training. You will receive a wealth of information for personal and professional development.
Q: Can I work with an NLP Center of New York Coach and also attend a training?
A: We have seen students privately, and sometimes our private clients have become our students. We realize that this can be a dual relationship and we advise you to be clear about how you want to experience your own private coaching and learning. Our staff is committed to respecting your privacy in and out of the training room.
Q: Can I speak directly with a staff member to help me decide about training and/or coaching?
A: Yes the co-directors, Steven Leeds, LMHC, and Rachel Hott, PhD are available. Please email info@nlptraining.com to set up a free 15 minute consultation.
Q: What if English is my second language?
A: Since 1986 we have led NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis classes to an international student body. We have found that the diversity in the language and cultures provides a greater richness to the class. We welcome you to speak with us first if you are concerned about your comprehension.